Bavarian Mountain Hound Training

About This Breed

The country origin of the Bavarian Mountain Hound is Germany. A female Bavarian Mountain Hound dog is between 44-48 centimeters tall and males are 47-52 centimeters tall. Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training includes different methods that allow the dog to learn the hunting techniques and other basic commands as well. This dog’s aspect is a very nice one; it is good looking with a proud expression. Its fur is quite short, dense and shiny. All Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training lessons must be performed under a specialist’s surveillance and indications because these dogs will have to be trained to work properly in the field.

How to train a Bavarian Mountain Hound dog in Austin

The Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training methods are important to be taught progressively so that the dog will have enough time to store all the information it gets during the training courses. The information about how to train a Bavarian Mountain Hound dog is better to be found from specialists, who have experience in training such dogs. Training the Bavarian Mountain Hound dog will need to concentrate not only on the hunting techniques that are so important for a hunting dog but the normal and basic commands, which will allow the dog to behave normally and properly in different situations. After a complete Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training course, your dog will be more cooperative, will be more obedient and will have a normal demeanor in the society. If you know how to train a Bavarian Mountain Hound dog in the most proper way possible you will see results even from the first day of training.

Basic Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training commands in Austin

The four basic Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training commands are to be taught even from the first training lessons. This way the dog will get used to the commands and will have its own self-confidence improved.

SIT – teaching your Basic Bavarian Mountain Hound dog to sit is not such a big deal. Doing this, you will need to have the key items, the dog collar, and the dog leash, as adjutant items for accomplishing this order. Pulling up on the leash and pushing down the dog’s back will have it sit. You need then to ask the command verbally, so the dog will associate the position with the word sit.

STAY – the second Bavarian Mountain Hound dog training command will follow the same principles as the first one, just that this time you need to stay in front of your dog and keep the dog leash over its head. The order will need to be exercised over and over again so that the dog will get used to it.

LIE DOWN – while giving this order you may have two options, one to use the dog leash as an adjutant item for teaching the Bavarian Mountain Hound dog the command or to use your own hand for doing that. As an example, you can use your hand to push down the dog from its scapula while giving the verbal command or you may use the leash and pull it towards the back diagonally.

STAND – training your Bavarian Mountain Hound dog to stand will also need the dog leash, which will be pulled forward on the collar slightly. It is important to have your dog stand in the position for at least 20 seconds.