Daschund Training

About This Breed

There are different approaches for Daschund training, this intelligent dog is also quite hard to train, and each individual dog may require a customized training program to suit his or her personality. Here are some of the positive facts related to this particular dog breed, they should help you shape your Daschund training program better and, if you are thinking of owning a Daschund, they will give you some information on the breed itself.

  • Daschunds come in a variety of coat types and colors
  • These dogs are comical and entertaining, definitely a lot of fun to have around
  • They don’t need a lot of exercises, although Daschund training should also focus on agility and physical exercise.
  • They are good watchdogs
  • Daschunds are sociable with other family pets, especially other dogs
  • They live a long time and have a good general autoimmune system.

But there are also some negative aspects to consider:

  • If they are not socialized enough, Daschunds are suspicious toward strangers.
  • They tend to have their own strong will and they can be stubborn
  • Notorious housebreaking difficulties
  • They often dig holes, an issue Daschund training programs should never neglect, especially with owners that have yards around their homes
  • Daschunds also tend to bark a lot, use positive reinforcements and maybe a dog whistle to eliminate this problem altogether.

    Tips and tricks for fast and efficient Daschund training in Austin

  • Please consider these issues when training your dog
  • Housebreaking is not very difficult if you manage to be firm about it and it works best when the dog has accepted you as the Alpha leader.
  • When potty training your Daschund, choose a command and spot you want your dog to use. Choosing a nongrassy spot will avoid brown spots later. When you bring it home, take it to the spot and give it the command in a firm, but friendly voice. Keep repeating the command and let the dog sniff around. If it eliminates, praise the dog. If it doesn’t go, take it inside and give it a drink and any meals scheduled and then go to the spot and follow the above routine. This should probably work even if your dog is older. So, in conclusion, a lot of praise and treats when she goes outside and a firm NO when she eliminates inside.
  • Focus on the essential training commands, such as come or stay. Try to deal with these commands in an initial phase when training your dog, while making sure that the basics are covered before moving on to more difficult commands.
  • Use a kind approach as it was noticed that harsh training has a poor effect on this dog breed.
  • This active little dog gets bored fairly quickly, so make sure to include variations in the daily training routine

    Important commands for the Daschund as part of his/her training in Austin:

    SIT – To teach your Daschund how to sit, first place a leash on the collar of your dog. Pull up in the leash while pushing down on his back until he is in the sitting position. If your dog won’t sit, keep a firm grip on the leash while pulling upward. After your Daschund is in the position, praise the dog, but do not let him get up. This enables the Daschund to associate your command with this position. After a while, allow the dog to get out of that position and repeat the command until you get prompt responses every time.

    STAY – After you teach your dog to sit, you can teach him to stay. First, have him sit. Then command him to STAY while you stand in front of him with the leash over his head. Daschund training methods are often based on positive reinforcement – if your dog gets up, you should pull the leash upwards until the dog sits again. If he doesn’t, however, praise the dog verbally. Hold the leash high enough that he can’t comfortably lie down. After the Daschund gets used to the command, distract him with his favorite toy. Work on the command until the distractions have no effect anymore, this repetitive training technique will take a few weeks of work until positive results are noticed.

    LIE DOWN – Command your dog to lie down, help your dog do this by placing your hand above his shoulder blades and pushing down. Do this gently and the dog will respond positively. After teaching the dog to respond to this command with help, the next step is to teach him to lie down without pushing his front down. You should pull the leash diagonally toward the back. The first few times, you should push down on its front so he knows to lie down. After that, he should associate the diagonal pull on the leash and the command with the proper action. Once your dog learns this, you can teach him to lie down by just using words. Training Daschunds is a rewarding task, since these smart dogs can show excellent progress in a very short while.

    STAND – Teaching your dog the STAND is very similar to the methods used for the previously given commands. Hold his collar and give the command while pulling forward on the collar slightly. Have the dog stand still for about 20 seconds. If the dog tries to move, push gently on the collar in the opposite direction until he stands still.