The Deutsche Bracke dog is a German animal and has another tow names: Westfalische Dachsbracke and Sauerlander Dachsbracke. Regarding its dimensions, these dogs are between 12 to 15 inches tall and they weigh around 40 pounds. They have short and smooth fur in three colors: black, white and brown. With regards to their personality, these dogs are friendly and affectionate but kind of hard to be trained. Because of this little problem the Deutsche Bracke dog training has to be made in such a way to draw their attention to what they need to learn by giving them a little bit more space as they don’t want to be pushed to do things they don’t like. The Deutsche Bracke dog training is generally specialized on the development of the hunting skills.
In the United States of America there is an institute which can offer important information about how to train a Deutsche Bracke dog. People from this training institute guarantee that you can have a complete Deutsche Bracke dog training in only 16 days or maybe less. It has been said that the techniques used by these guys within this institute are the best ever and that they will turn your Deutsche Bracke dog into the most obedient, loving and faithful dog. They are sure that a well-trained dog is a very healthy, happy and devoted dog. So, if you ever consider having a Deutsche Bracke dog training of course you should get in touch with these people from the training institute and make an appointment. If you don’t want to choose this training institute then you can find information about the Deutsche Bracke dog training courses from other sources. We refer here to different specialized books which give pertinent information about how to train a Deutsche Bracke dog in the most proper way. There are other important sources that you can get informed from, such as: internet web sites, video cassettes, DVDs and plenty of other informative stuff.
SIT – while teaching your Deutsche Bracke dog the first command is important to make the dog sit and give the command verbally. In this case you need to pull up the dog leash and push down the dog from its back. This way your dog will be constrained to sit. Give the command before or at the same time with the dog taking the position.
STAY – this second command can be done only after the first command was successfully accomplished. First, have your dog sit. Then ask the Deutsche Bracke dog to stay while standing in front of it with the dog leash over its head. If the dog wants to get up then pull the leash upwards until your dog sits again. It is important to give the verbal command while the dog takes the requested position.
LIE DOWN – the lie down command can be performed using two options. The first option is to place your hand on your Deutsche Bracke dog’s scapula and push down. The other option is to pull the leash towards the dog’s behind in the diagonal direction. In these cases the dog will be constrained to lie down but don’t forget to command it to lie down.. After a short while your dog will be able to execute the document alone.
STAND – the last command follows the same rules as the previous one only that, in this case, the dog collar will be held and pulled forward slightly on the collar. Keep your Deutsche Bracke dog in the stand position every time it executes the command and repeat afterwards. Giving the verbal command while the dog takes the position is important, so that any animal understands the command. It is also very important to complement the dog during the training process. Deutsche Bracke dog training resources and info.
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