Irish Red and White Setter Training

About This Breed

The Irish red and white setter dog is originally from Ireland and they are two types of the Irish setter: the red type and the red with white setter. The Irish red and white setter dog is calmer than the red one, which is more energetic and it is called also the red devil. Irish red and white setter dog training can be a very specific process because these dogs are normally used as hunting dogs but they are also bred for the company. People are very interested in purchasing such a dog, also because of their nice looks, with long, soft and silky fur. It is recommended to contact a specialist who can give you proper information regarding the Irish red and white setter dog training program.

How to train an Irish red and white setter dog in Austin

In general, the setter dogs have a very big success not only because of their hunter qualities but because of the champion qualities as well. They have a very developed sense of smell; they are very resistant and have a very strong bond with their masters. These dogs can become very obedient, loyal and trustworthy after undergoing the Irish red and white setter dog training process. There are many web sites that offer you a lot of step by step information about how to train an Irish red and white setter dog. You must know that the setter dogs are very playful and they get matured very late, at 3 years old. Being so energetic, they adapt themselves very hard to the apartment life, but only on one condition: if they are taken out for daily long-running, otherwise they will transform the apartment in their own playground. The Irish red and white setter dogs are not good for being guardians as they are very friendly and loving, especially with human beings. Trainers adore performing any Irish red and white setter dog training mainly because of the bond that might develop during the relation. If you don’t want to hire a trainer, you can handle it on your own, only that you have to know everything about how to train an Irish red and white setter dog and need to follow the information progressively.

Basic Irish red and white setter dog training commands in Austin

SIT – when you want to start the Basic Irish red and white setter dog training commands you have to prepare the dog collar and the dog leash which need to be put around your dog’s neck. Teach your Irish red and white setter dog the sitting command by pulling up the dog leash while you push the dog down on its back until it sits. Give the verbal command when the dog takes the position and then praise it for having better cooperation in the future.

STAY – after you completed the first basic command you can go on with the second one, which is the stay position. First, you need to have your Irish red and white setter dog to sit and then ask it to stay while you are standing in front of it with the dog leash above its head. If the dog wants to get up, keep the leash high up so your dog will have to sit again. Repeat the exercise until the dog takes the position promptly until you ask it otherwise.

LIE DOWN – command your Irish red and white setter dog to lie down by placing, at first, your hand on the dog’s shoulder blades and push down gently. You can also make your dog lie down if you pull the dog leash diagonally to its back until the animal lies down. After you succeeded to teach it the command with your help, try to teach the dog by using words. Irish red and white setter dog training is a rewarding responsibility because the dogs can learn and show notable progress in such a short period of time.

STAND – teach your Irish red and white setter dog the stand command by pulling the dog collar onward gently until the dog stands. Have the dog stand for about 20 seconds at a time and praise it with words.