Olde English Bulldogge Training

About This Breed

If you are interested in Olde English Bulldogge dog training, you must know that this breed of dog derives from the extinct Old English Bulldog breed, not having kept the latter’s aggressiveness and typical breathing problems. Training the Olde English is not an easy job, considering the fact that the breed history includes aggressive tendencies, tendencies that can be avoided with a proper puppy training. The Olde English Bulldogge is a very rare breed of dog; it belongs to the Mastiff group and originates in the United States . It is a very adaptable dog, being able to adjust to almost any lifestyle, ranging from life in a small flat to life on a huge farm. If you choose the Olde English Bulldogge, you will gain an affectionate pet as well as a great guardian beside you.

How to Train an Olde English Bulldogge in Austin

The Olde English Bulldogge dog training must start at an early stage of the puppy’s life; the sooner you start training the pup, the better. The litter of the Olde English Bulldogge will chew anything that comes in its way, so be careful with your favorite things! In the early steps of puppy training give it a toy to chew on. Don’t be aggressive towards the puppy; otherwise it will end up being a fearful dog even towards the owner. While training the puppy, encourage it by offering treats. You can get the dog used to the No Chew policy, but use some food to reward your pup.

Don’t punish the puppy if they accidentally water your floor. Up till 9 months, the puppy cannot control its bladder so it is advisable to get a dog crate and train the puppy to use the crate. While training the puppy, you will need to be as imaginative as possible and guide your pet in order not to damage your place, as they really have lots of energy and are very playful. Make sure your dog learns the rules of the game when training the Olde English Bulldogge, because once something is learned it will be hardly forgotten. Be patient because the Olde English Bulldogge has a short attention span, but it is worthwhile waiting. You will find it difficult sometimes to get your dog’s attention during its adolescence’ period (5-18 months)- the dog will tend to be disobedient, but you may train the Olde English Bulldogge to come on command, using the recall game and the spontaneous recall as follows: when walking the dog, run backwards all at once and encourage your pet to follow. Still, when doing training exercise with your Olde English Bulldogge just make sure your dog knows that you’re the boss.