Welsh Springer Spaniel Training

About This Breed

Welsh Springer Spaniel dog training must primarily pay attention to the shy tendency of this dog. This dog will be a nice family dog, but may be used in hunting as well. Try to start the training of the Welsh Springer Spaniel from an early age, by socializing the dog with other dogs or humans to avoid shyness.

How to Train Welsh Springer Spaniel in Austin

The Welsh Springer Spaniel will quickly learn how to use the crate, it won’t like the leash training, and will best respond to obedience training. However, you won’t get any results with harsh training. This breed doesn’t show signs of aggressiveness.

Try to include as much exercise as possible in the Welsh Springer Spaniel dog training program. If you fail to do so, your dog will become obese and an excellent couch potato! This breed will behave well with children. Remember the Welsh Springer Spaniel needs your love, and if well treated, it will be your loyal, honest best friend.