Africanis training

About This Breed

The Africanis dog breed is an interesting choice for many owners: it offers a friendly dog, but with pronounced territorial behavior. The earliest record of a domestic dog in South Africa is dated 570 AD, on the farm Diamante in the Ellisras district, near the Botswana border. At the same time, domestic dogs lived south-west of Francis town, Botswana. By 650 AD the dog is found in the lower Tugela valley, and by 800 AD in a Khoisan settlement at Cape St Francis. Africanis dog training should be focused on the well-preserved social canine behavior that characterizes this breed. Every dog trainer should know that the Africanis is extremely cautious in approaching new situations and it often responds poorly to strangers (dogs or humans) if proper training was not applied.

Easy Austin Training for Africanis Dog

The Africanis is a good choice for beginning dog trainers or for pet owners that want to train their own dog. Africanis dog training greatly relies on the natural characteristics of this dog breed -Africanis dogs are healthy, have a high natural immunity level, they eat a large variety of food and are never picky about it. What the dog does need is attention from the pack leader which is you, as the owner. From this perspective, Africanis dog training is easy, once you manage to establish your position as the leader. The dog will be bound to you and the territory you are on and it will never try to take lead. Simply develop a trust relationship with your dog and he or she will soon obey commands and learn how to respect your orders. Harsh training is never recommended on any dog breed in fact, Africanis dog training programs are only based on kind training and on the reward system.

Africanis dog training tips in Austin

  1. This dog breed exhibits a pronounced territorial behavior make sure to train the dog, from puppy stage, to be social to humans and dogs alike.
  2. The facial and body language of the Africanis is highly expressive if you are training your dog make sure to connect to its body language, and the process will run extremely smoothly.
  3. Natural instincts are strong in this dog breed, so make sure to allow it to adapt to a domestic environment. Africanis are completely safe to other pets and children if they are brought up to respect those around them. Again, socialization is essential.
  4. The Africanis dog training should always take note of the subservience factor, very pronounced with this dog breed. They naturally adapt to the requirements imposed by their owner, but do not expect obedience unless you manage to gain their trust first.
  5. Since the Africanis breed is more flexible to training, a few weeks of bonding with your dog may lead to nearly perfect command response