First Steps in Dog Training Austin Techniques

09 Jul First Steps in Dog Training Austin Techniques

Most people enjoy playing with their dogs in their homes, taking them outside for walks, and playing in the park. Activities such as these can give you and your dog a significant amount of joy. However, before the dog and his master has any public relationship, there must be some dog training Austin going on, especially if the owner wants the canine to follow specific instructions and commands. To get to this point, however, some particular things must be taught for the pet to know how to obey their every command. With that being said, here are some of the first steps to training your canine correctly.

Step #1 – Teach them how to Sit Using Dog Austin Training Techniques

While dog training Austin can be relatively lengthy based on the swiftness of your pet, teaching them to sit is one of the easiest places to start. In fact, as a general rule of thumb, the puppy who learns how to sit on command first is much easier to instruct until they learn more about self-control. For instance, when you teach your canine to sit down whenever he hears the doorbell ring, this will prevent them from jumping up on the guest as they enter your home.

Step #2 – Instruct the Canine in Learning How to Come Using Dog Training Austin Instructions

Once your pet has mastered how to sit down when commanded, the next step in the dog training Austin process is to teach them how to come when called. Come is also an excellent command to start in the beginning, mainly because this word helps to keep them out of all kinds of trouble. For instance, if the canine sees a cat across the street, telling them to stay will prevent them from darting across traffic to chase a cat and potently getting into an accident.

Step #3 – Learning the Command Stay and the Dog Austin Training Professional Recommendations

A necessary command that needs to be taught is how to stay. Even though Dog Austin Training professionals are skilled in ensuring your dog knows how to obey commands, it is still considered one of the most challenging commands to get across to most dogs. Mastering this command will be tough and take some time, but once your dog has learned it, it will be well worth the struggle. Specifically, because this command is designed to teach the canine how to remain in a particular position and not move until they are given further instructions. Either way, stay is an essential command that all dogs need to learn as soon as they start training school.

Teaching your canine how to respond appropriately to specific commands is a great way to control their behavior at home and out in public. Most dog professionals will recommend that you teach your canine three key commands as soon as possible, and they are learning how to sit, how to come when called and stay when commanded are great starts to training your pet how to obey whenever called.

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